Openoffice calc is a software package made by oracle and is in effect an alternative to Microsoft excel. So to say, it is a software which allows a person to make spreadsheets in tabular format and lets one calculate and tabulate data. However, since Openoffice calc is a little different from excel, most people would require a few Openoffice calc tips to give the software better functionality. Possibly the biggest advantage of Openoffice calc is that it allows us to open files in both. odf (open document format) and files in the excel format.
One of the primary Openoffice calc tips, is that while opening a file in any format is done in the conventional way of selecting from a menu, the format in which one can save a calc file can also be adjusted. When in the save as box, you can select the format you want the file in from the ‘save as type’ drop down menu and the click save.
It you want to take a value from another cell, left clicking the said cell will automatically get you the value. Even multiple cell values can be obtained in this way with the signs of addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, etc. in between the. And yes, one would require to press enter in order to get a result.
This can be done by something called conditional formatting, which allows us to mask the error message in the cell. For this one must click on the cell and then open the conditional formatting dialogue box, over here we can set the font colour of the error message to that of the background colour, whill will serve to effectively hide it. Though this is the most important feature of conditional formatting, it can be used in other situations also.